The story revolves around three soldiers - Colee, TK and Cheever - who return from the war after suffering injuries and learn that life has moved on without them. They end up on an unexpected road trip across the U.S., with Colee on a mission to bring her boyfriend's guitar back to his family because he saved her life, TK seeking confidence to face his wife after a shrapnel injury that threatens his sexual function and middle-aged Cheever planning to hit the casinos in a desperate effort to pay for his son's college tuition. Written by
Plot Summary
Plot Synopsis
Sometimes losing your way home means finding yourself
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Release Date:
26 September 2008 (USA)
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Box Office
Opening Weekend:
(26 September 2008)
(26 September 2008)
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Company Credits
Technical Specs
Aspect Ratio:
1.85 : 1
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Did You Know?
The drinks that Cheaver's wife offers Colee and T.K. are Coca-Colas.
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first lines]
T.K. Poole:
The key is listening to the signals and hearing what they're saying. If she touches you soft, that's how she wants to be touched. You do that until you can hear her get wet. You gotta know women. I'm serious, the last time I went home, my girlfriend was so grateful she went right outside and started washing my car. Detailed it. Everything. Just to thank me.
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Crazy Credits
Honey wagon driver - Gary Suckahosee
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The Fly (1986)
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Written and Performed by
Joe Henry
Published by WB Music Corp (ASCAP) o/b/o Itself, True North Music & Lemz Music
Courtesy of Mammoth Records
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Neil Burger's offbeat, quirky, dramatic movie is a triumph. It succeeds in all the aspects, from the technical parts to the acting, I can't find a single negative thing about it. Burger doesn't dilly-dally around, he went straight to the point of his subject, giving a fair amount of time for each of the three characters (McAdams, Pena and Robbins) to develop and eventually you can't help but really like them...a lot. Especially McAdams but more on that later. The script is tightly wound, the chemistry between the three protagonists doesn't seem forced, the movie doesn't force you to like them the moment the movie starts but instead, these colorful characters will gradually grow on you.
Tim Robbins, one of my favorite actors, doesn't disappoint. 2008, I have seen him in two movies the other one being The City of Ember. And as long as a movie has Tim Robbins in it, I'm sold. That's why I watched the movie in the first place. Michael Pena, another great guy, gives off a good vibe towards the movie and once you know what's been bothering his character, you can't help but laugh at how one-sided and ridiculous his problem is. Pena gives one of his greatest performance on screen. And of course, the belle of the ball, the star of the show, Rachel McAdams gives a quirky, zesty and joyful performance as a lovable Southerner and I can't help but be reminded of another quirky, zesty and joyful character, Amelie. She just keeps the laughs rolling in and steal every scene she's in. She gives the character such depth that one might come off as one dimensional had it been portrayed by a lesser talent. Definitely an underrated performance for 2008.
Highly recommended.