Dear Dumb Diary (2013)Based on the best selling series "Dear Dumb Diary" by Jim Benton. Follow Jamie Kelly, as she navigates Mackeral Middle School with the help of her best friend Isabella, her nemesis Angeline and the boy of her dreams, Hudson. Director:Kristin Hanggi |
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I found this movie to be energetic and fun. It appealed to both the kids and adults in our house hold. I also felt it was overall positive and sent good messages such as: Working with what you got Standing up to a wrong Learning about what lies behind people's exteriors
I did not find the movie to be creepy...although there were some gross parts. But those gross parts were at a child's level, so noting inappropriate there.
I believe that part of the reason why this movie was such a big hit with our family is because we just turned it on out of the big anticipation and expectations. Just a nice unexpected treat to watch during our winter break.