A post-apocalyptic tale based on a novella by Harlan Ellison. A boy communicates telepathically with his dog as they scavenge for food and sex, and they stumble into an underground society where the old society is preserved. The daughter of one of the leaders of the community seduces and lures him below, where the citizens have become unable to reproduce because of being underground so long. They use him for impregnation purposes, and then plan to be rid of him. Written by
Ed Sutton <esutton@mindspring.com>
Plot Summary
Plot Synopsis
The year is 2024... a future you'll probably live to see.
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Did You Know?
"Once more into the breach, dear friend", said by Blood, is taken from Shakespeare's Henry V "Once more into the breach, dear friends!".
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While the marching band in Topeka's picnic passes camera, the girl playing cymbals doesn't actually clash the cymbals. She only pretends to do it.
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Breeding is an ugly thing.
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Referenced in
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981)
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When the World Was New
Richard Gillis See more »
This disorderly pre-Mad Max spree is one of the most entertaining post-apocalyptic future movies ever made. You know why? Because it has no taste and in that, it has no inhibitions about the questions it asked about what will happen after the world is spent by nuclear war. It asks about how procreation will happen, how basic sexual feelings will be satisfied, and other things. It has a genuinely original plot involving telepathic dogs that are more literate than their human masters,gunfights wherein the dogs direct their human masters, an entire society underground that discerns who is apart of them or not by wearing clownface at all times, and other crazy things.
It's a wild, crazy, tasteless, sex-obsessed adventure that affords the viewer one of the greatest luxuries of the movies, one that is rarely completely fulfilled, which is unpredictability. It's so inventive in every way that you don't know what happens next. Even the comical theme song is so out of place for the genre of the film, but the theme of a boy and his dog makes it suitable. A Boy and His Dog is not a great film, but it's worth watching repeatedly and showing our friends. Another buried treasure.