The story follows a group of teenage girls on the night of a sleepover as they venture out, led by the ringleader Chapin, in a competitive game of challenging dares. As the antics escalate, and the dares become more extreme, the girls unravel the truth behind a former student's rumored suicide. Written by
Plot Summary
Plot Synopsis
Did You Know?
Chapin Wright:
Pushes Whisper into a room]
What the hell is your problem?
I'm problem-free, Chapin.
Chapin Wright:
Then why didn't you... I mean, she's cute, right?
You were watching me?
Chapin Wright:
Of course I was watching you. It's the frickin' game!
Well, then you know exactly what my problem is.
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I Want You
Written by
Pascal Franchot
Produced by
Ian Honeyman
Courtesy of Pascal Franchot
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This movie was sort of interesting in a way, but at the same time there was just something wrong with it.
The story told in "Triple Dog" is simple and easy to follow; a group of girls get together for a sleep-over and play a dare game, where they have to perform outrageous things. Now, something puzzles me, why would these girls group together at all, there is a lot of disharmony and animosity between several of the girls, so it makes no sense really. I could understand why Even and Liza hung out, as their mom's planned for them to do so, but some of the others, well that made no sense. Why hang out with people who you can't stand.
Some of the dares in the movie were actually clever and had me laughing, but some of them were a bit too outrageous as well, and I wonder who in their right mind would actually do such things, even when dared.
Bear in mind that this is a teenage movie, so the cast is almost entirely all teenagers. That being said, I actually think some of them pulled off their roles quite well. Scout Taylor-Compton (playing Liza) were the most memorable of the cast, as her character was the one with most personality. I am sure that Brittany Robertson (playing Chapin) is a good actress, but wow I really got ticked off at the way her character was behaving and talking. Note that there is profanity in the movie several times, so you might take that into consideration if you are easily offended. Emily Tennant (playing Sarah) also did a rather good job with her role.
Having seen the movie, I am sitting here with a sense of "was this movie really necessary?". It seems like a fairly weak plot to make a movie on. But at the same time, the way the girls interact and behave amongst each other, makes it somewhat worth it. But don't except a blockbuster and award-winning movie from "Triple Dog". For me, this movie is the type of movie you watch once and never again, it just doesn't have enough value in it for a second watching.
If for nothing else, then it was worth seeing it when you saw the girls with their shaved heads. A woman shaving off her hair is courageous, so hats off for that.