Swearnet: The Movie (2014) 6.3
6.3/10 from 1,140 users
Metascore: 18/100
Reviews: 11 user | 4 critic | 5 from Metacritic.com Fed up with being censored in their post-Trailer Park Boys lives, the out of work stars/world-renowned 'swearists', Mike Smith, Robb Wells and John Paul Tremblay decide to start their own uncensored network on the internet. Director:Warren P. Sonoda |
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I ADORE the Trailer Park Boys i'll just pin that up before I go into anything. The characters are lovable, the narrative develops nicely and over offers a very interesting aspect and satire to Canadian life.
So what happened with Swearnet: The Movie? I struggled with this film so much. Its hard to watch a bad movie but it's harder to watch a bad movie with actors/writers that you love and have seen produce some great work in the past.
Swearnet:The Movie is the story of Robb Wells, John Paul Tremblay and Mike Smith creation of their own internet network 'Swearnet' and thats the plot in a nutshell. The movie likes to make things very clear that this ISN'T Trailer Park Boys with constant reminders at the beginning and if that wasn't enough perhaps to poor writing and Mike Smiths character would remind you enough. The whole execution of the movie plays out like a 14 year old boys pubescent fantasy. The jokes fall flat, the characters a largely unlikable and development of said characters doesn't exist instead they just switch like a light 3 quarters the way through which again is subject to poor writing. If it isn't enough that their own characters are marginally irritating then they brought in Tom Green and Carrot Top to make things wholly annoying as well as add absolutely nothing to the film. Their really isn't much that can be said about this film than it exists. It is a prime example of how a swearword can loose it's impact after repeated use and just become annoying and after a record breaking 935 F#@k's this has been proved 10 times over. I wouldn't recommend this film to anybody. Even if you're a fan of the Trailer Park Boys I would find anything but this to watch as the only feeling I got after this film finished was embarrassment and general sadness inside, don't get me wrong though their is way worse than this. 3/10