In a future in which most water has disappeared from the Earth, we find a group of children, mostly teenagers, who are living at an orphanage, run by the despotic rulers of the new Earth. The group in question plays a hockey based game on roller skates and is quite good. It has given them a unity that transcends the attempts to bring them to heel by the government. Finding an orb of special power, they find it has unusual effects on them. They escape from the orphanage (on skates) and try to cross the wasteland looking for a place they can live free as the stormtroopers search for them and the orb. Written by
John Vogel <jlvogel@comcast.net>
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Who will rule the future?
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Did You Know?
A year later jami Gertz (terra) and jason Patric (jason) would appear in the lost boys (1987)
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Why does "Gavial" just vanish from the movie, following the RED ALERT/EVACUATE signal at the Aqua Bunker? The picture seems to suggest that he escapes, but this is never substantiated; Gavial simply flees the control room and never reappears.
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It's an odd name for a skateball team, don't you think? "Solarbabies." Too soft, not menacing enough. Why do you suppose they chose it?
The Warden:
They don't seem to need anything more menacing, do they? They always seem to win.
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Love Will Set You Free
Written by
Smokey Robinson and Ivory Stone
Performed by
Smokey Robinson
Courtesy of Motown Records/Taj Mahal Music
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After about 20 years of having little more than vague memories of this movie rollerskating about in my head, I finally broke down and re-watched Solarbabies.
All I can say is, well, bless them for trying. It really isn't a BAD movie... it does manage to be entertaining even though it occasionally drags. The only problem is that it borrows a lot from other movies and never seems to decide on a style of its own.
Overall I didn't feel as drawn in to the story as I'd hoped, but despite the somewhat vague plot and generic characters, it was still good fun. And if nothing else, it teaches us that all we really need to set things right in the world are friendship and roller skating. And maybe a magic ball from outer space.