This film starts out like the Love Boat on acid, as a cast of varied characters, with various issues, take Captain Eric Portman's leaky cargo ship to escape their troubles. When a violent storm strikes, the ship is swept into the Sargasso Sea and our heroes find themselves trapped on an island of man-eating seaweed, populated by giant monster crabs and some Spanish conquistadors who think the Inquisition is still on. Features songs and music by '60s "cool group", the Peddlers. Written by
Scott Hamilton <stomptokyo@aol.com>
Plot Summary
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See blood beasts battling over female flesh!, torture pits for forbidden lovers!, sacrifice to giant jaw-snapping mollusks!, escape from floating death ship!, helpless beauties attacked by crazed kelp-monsters!, fiery destruction of the lost continent!
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Did You Know?
Michael Carreras fired original director
Leslie Norman and took over as director. When he went over budget and schedule, his father, Hammer Films chief
James Carreras, and the studio's solicitors arrived on set to shut the production down.
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facing down the Grand Inquisitor]
Capt. Lansen:
We're getting out. Now we can noisily, or we can go quietly. The choice is up to you.
The Grand Inquistor:
Where are you going? You're trapped here like the rest of us. There's no escape.
Capt. Lansen:
How do you know? Have you ever tried?
The Grand Inquistor:
Our ancestors tried.
Capt. Lansen:
I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about you.
The Grand Inquistor:
It's God's will!
Capt. Lansen:
It's your will, because you want it this way! You do it in the name of God through this child here because you haven't got the guts to do your own dirty work!
The Grand Inquistor:
You speak ...
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Referenced in
Dennis Wheatley at Hammer (2012)
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When I saw this as a kid, I thought it was cool, because it had creepy monsters and a theme song that sounded like Andy Williams in some lounge. A group of forlorn passengers on board an unseaworthy steamship, which happens to be carrying high explosives, set sail for South America. They get caught in a hurricane, the crew mutinies, they get in a lifeboat, man-eating seaweed tries to eat the captain, then they find their ship again and go back on board. that's when the fun begins. The evil seaweed pulls the ship into the Sargasso Sea, where it is chow-time for all the creepy sea creatures that attack and devour the ship's passengers. Also on hand are a bunch of Spaniards who think it's the 1500's. They have managed to peacefully co-exist with these slimy creatures. They are ruled by a petulant boy-king who tries to seize the ship and it's supplies. Our heroes must battle the Spaniards and the monsters and get home.