"The Formula" is the story of Quinn (Baker) and Graham (played by Iowa Native Mike Schminke), two engineering students who discover a mathematical formula to pick up women with ease. Quinn is a hopeless romantic who falls head over heels for a young student teacher. Graham is a chauvinistic womanizer who thinks the key to finding the woman of his dreams is by wooing as many as possible. As "The Formula" follows Quinn and Graham from one date to the next, they discover that there is no shortcut to finding true love. Written by
Tim Nash
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They did the math so you don't have to.
"The Formula" or as synopsis says story about two engineering students who discover a mathematical formula to pick up women with ease.
Even if you think of this movie as an amateur or student movie it is still a complete waste of time.
From begging you will notice the horrible camera and awful sound, but that is not all it gets even worse, scenario is obviously written by a stupid teenager or someone completely untalented.
Movie starts as low budget boring story and it turns into nonsense and stupidity without any trace of comedy or romance mentioned in genre.
So just a fair warning don't waste your time on this one, because you can not even call it a bad joke.