Soon-to-be-a-dad Michael makes a last ditch effort to save his longtime but addicted friend Chris from a foreseeable drug related death. Visiting Chris and handcuffing him to an exposed plumbing pipe, Michael forces his buddy into detox, but while watching over his friend he also discovers that all is not right within the territory Chris has drifted into. Situated on Indian Reservation land, the area seems to attract a number of strange people. Someone or some thing has a longtime interest in recording activities in the area, all captured on a variety of recording devices (CDs, film, phonographs, etc.). Michael comes to understand he's been pulled into the latest "story" of an unseen entity, one with a grizzly resolution projected for him and his pal unless they can possibly work out their own agreeable alternate ending. Written by
Plot Summary
Plot Synopsis
Did You Know?
A hand drawn picture of the front cover of the necronomicon from the evil dead series can be seen hanging on the wall to the right of Michael's mattress.
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The people come here, Michael, to look for aliens, ghosts, and cults, and gateways to hell, secret military bases looking into other dimensions. I think, if there IS something, it is not none of these things - or perhaps all of them.
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Stoneback Ridge
Written by Dan Martinez
Performed by Karl Kerfoot, Dan Martinez, Jake Reed
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In the deepest, real, and visceral sense, Resolution is a horror movie. Its primary tool is not only the psychological mind game Justin Benson puts his characters through (i.e. misguided friendship, drug addiction, violence, and the mystery of whose watching) but what he also forces the audience to realize as they watch them spiral out of control. Resolution not only breaks the third wall, it decimates it. We become the monster just by sitting there and watching. If that's not enough to wrap your head around then you have to see it to really get to really get mind screwed.
OK, so if you're expecting jump scares, blood, and gore, then change your expectations to getting sucked into a story about a dying friendship, drug abuse, earning a deep sense of foreboding, and be left thinking "holy sh@." Chris and Michael's polar dynamics will suck you into their friendship and the struggle with drug abuse is too real. How many of us have had the same idea as Michael, or felt the same about ourselves as Chris does? Then the most important question becomes... what the hell is watching them? The answer seems obvious.
Obviously a low budget film, Resolution doesn't waste time with cheesy effects or flashy photography. It relies entirely on the acting ability of its characters. Not only are Cilella and Curran convincing as best friends out of touch but a special nod must go out to Bill Oberst Jr. for playing the most convincing creepy french hippie ever to grace a screen, and I do mean grace. This guy can add creepy to any character and still maintain decorum! Talk about a mind screw! ~ the Creepercast