K-11 follows Raymond Saxx Jr. (Goran Visnjic), a powerful record producer who wakes from a drug-induced blackout to find himself locked up and classified "K-11." Plunged into a nightmarish world ruled by a transsexual diva named Mousey (Kate del Castillo), Raymond is truly a fish out of water. Complicating matters are a troubled young transgender named Butterfly (Portia Doubleday), a predatory child molester (Tommy 'Tiny' Lister) and the ruthless Sheriff's Deputy, Lt. Johnson (D.B. Sweeney). Ray's struggle to contact the outside world and regain his freedom seems impossible, but he must learn to navigate this new power structure if he is ever going survive and be in control of his life again. Written by
Libertine Films
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I see you drowning in despair. Play ruff with Butterfly, you'll find I don't play fair.
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My Liberty
Written by Billy Morrison
Performed by Billy Morrison
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I will write a review but what we have here is an amazingly American "pile on" by the press. What I realize after having seen K-11 is that virtually none of the critics who gave this film zero stars even saw it. If you see the term "CAMP" or "EXPLOITATION" or here them claiming "it couldn't decide what it was" you know that those critic's wrote a review on the trailer and not the film. This film has one problem only to them , Jules Stewart is Kristen Stewart's Mom . They cant get to Kristen so they attack Jules. They attack her even after Kristen was intentionally NOT cast in K-11 http://gawker.com/5990662/kristen-stewarts-mom-wanted- her-to-play-a-character-thats-raped-repeatedly. Interviewers will start asking about the film and then turn to Kristen , helpless in their own lack of imagination and drawn finally to a personality that blinds them to everything around them. Years from now when Kristen is no longer a young star people will re-examine this film. Kristen is not even in this film , intentionally. The press lie, that is what they do.
K-11 is a straight film, not exploitation or camp. Portia Doubleday ,Goran Visnjic , DB Sweeny and most of all, Kate del Castillo, are brilliant. So what has the critics babbling ? They can't put it in a box. They use the term "its like " because they need something to compare it to. Its a great little film that you should compare to every great directors first films because it is vastly superior to Canmeron's "Piranha Part Two: The Spawning" ! Its an incredibly good first film. Making a film of this kind for a first time director is virtually impossible because everyone "knows better". Jules stuck to her guns, finally taking the film back from her first editor and recutting it to the original script. The films most memorable quote "Bad things happen to bad people" . If that were true a few critics here would spontaneously burst into flame. This is a great little film that stands on its own and the cast and crew did a terrific job.