Gritty and action-packed, Cat Run 2 stars the seductive Winter Ave Zoli (Sons of Anarchy), as a high-end call girl with a secret military connection. Better than ever, Scott Mechlowicz and Alphonso McAuley return as Anthony and Julian, the unlikely team of bumbling, up-and-coming private detectives. After a "sex party" turned massacre leaves Julian's cousin in trouble, the wannabe detective team takes on the case and discovers a military secret they wish they hadn't. This sexy, thrilling, epic will leave you at the edge of your seat! Written by
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Rated R for strong sexuality, graphic nudity, violence, language and brief drug use
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Ft Polk Military Base and Officers Club in no where near New Orleans Louisiana. It is on the other side of the state near a town called Leesville. Close to the Texas Louisiana border.
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In the intro two Russian strippers are taken to a military base. During their routine, one of them makes her way to the server room and downloads some info on a drive. She's caught. A firefighter ensues, for some reason this stripper decides to sacrifice herself, while the other escapes.
Then we meet the two goofs from part 1. They now have a restaurant. One of them gets the other, the chef, on some cooking contest. So off they go to New Orleans. There they discover that a cousin of one of them is being held responsible for some of the mess of the intro. So they decide to use their private investigator skills to clear his name.
They visit the morgue and take a look at the dead stripper's body. Suddenly the other stripper arrives. She says good-bye to her friend and finds the drive hidden among her clothes. The goofs manage not to get caught. They then go to the strip joint and interrogate the owner. Meanwhile, ninjas are after the stripper and want the info on the drive. We meet the stripper's handler and the boss.
When the info the stripper recovers proves rather useless, the boss decides that the stripper is disposable. That changes things quite a bit.
Cat Run 2 is more accomplished than part 1. Fortunately the two goofs aren't all that much in the center of the movie. Rather the story of the stripper/agent is, the info, and the guys after her. But it retains some of the silliness; a good part of the dialogue is just adolescent stuff. The nudity is outstanding though and much improved compared to part one. The action is surprisingly well done. For a sexy light action movie, an uncommon genre to begin with, Cat Run 2 is an enjoyable and recommended movie.