Sixteen years ago, a series of brutal murders shattered the peaceful farming community of Painters Mill, Ohio. A young Amish girl, Katie Burkholder, survived the terror of the Slaughterhouse Murders. In the aftermath of the killings, the town was left with a sense of fragility, a loss of innocence, and for Katie, the realization that she no longer belonged with the Amish. Now, a wealth of experience later, Kate Burkholder is back. Her Amish roots and big city law enforcement background make her the perfect candidate for Chief of Police. She's certain she's come to terms with her past--until the first body is discovered in a snowy field. Kate vows to stop the killer before he strikes again. But to name him, she would betray both her family and her Amish past and expose a dark secret that could destroy her. Written by
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Some secrets are too terrible to reveal. Some crimes are too unspeakable to solve.
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Not the first movie Neve Campbell and Noam Jenkins were in together, both had roles in the (1998's) movie 54.
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The sheriff introduces Tomasetti to the mayor and calls him by his first name. Even though they had met before, the sheriff doesn't remember it so he wouldn't know what his first name is.
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I actually really enjoyed this movie. Neve gave a lot of depth to the character and did extremely well. Btw.. The movie title on Lifetime is called "An Amish Murder" Its a great story and reminds me of an Ashley Judd thriller or something. Neve is great in this, because she keeps me entertained when she's just sitting there thinking on screen. She doesn't have to say anything to be interesting. And this movie takes place so close to home???? At the end when he was talking about driving back to Columbus, I was like omg.. That's where I'm at. I've been down in the Amish Country quite a few times.. Lost and wondering where I was.. Horses, buggies, tons of farms. I wonder if it was filmed there.
So anyways.. If you get a chance, watch this movie if you are a Neve Cambell or Lifetime movie fan. Its a good pick and has a happy end to the story, as to all lifetime movies. Makes the day better knowing that there was a happy ending.