The film centers on Jake Tilton, who acquires a mystical "monkey's paw" talisman that grants its possessor three wishes. Jake finds his world turned upside down after his first two wishes result in co-worker Tony Cobb being resurrected from the dead. As Cobb pressures Jake into using the final wish to reunite Cobb with his son, his intimidation quickly escalates into relentless murder-- forcing Jake to outwit his psychotic friend and save his remaining loved ones. Written by
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One Wish. A Thousand Regrets.
Not Rated
Did You Know?
The actor who plays Gillespie's father in the opening scene, Jason Stanly, is a highly regarded Jason Statham impersonator.
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Version of
The Monkey's Paw (1915)
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Seriously. This is a far much better film than its current, weak rating. There is also a serious flaw in IMDb's rating system. I think maybe members should have to actually be members for more than 1 day to leave a vote for ratings. 30, 60...maybe 90 days before you can vote or review a film unless you are a legitimate film critic with your own online site. Too many terrible films get very high ratings because people involved in the films get to create a new account and leave "Best Film Ever" reviews and "10 out of 10" ratings. Then, films like this one, which obviously deserves a much higher rating, end up having people leave "Worst Film Ever" reviews and "1 out of 10" ratings. Do you have a grudge against someone involved in this film? Not get the part you so desperately wanted? Did the director boink your girlfriend? No problem! Come on over to IMDb, create a new account and you can instantly voice just how terrible, poorly written and horribly acted the film was. Not to mention the director has a small penis.
I seriously need to set up my own film review site. You may not always agree with my reviews, but you can sure as hell know they are honest and not because I had something to do with any particular film one way or another, good or bad. Chiller Films' remake of THE MONKEY'S PAW is a very good movie with an original story. It's very well acted, shot, directed, and edited. It is not the "Best Film Ever," but it is damn well worth viewing and one of the best horror/comedies I have watched all year! Yes, this is indeed some serious monkey business! Now give me your paw...