In the early morning of April 9th 1940 the Danish army is alerted. The Germans have crossed the border; Denmark is at war against Europe's strongest army. In Southern Jutland Danish bicycle- and motorcycle companies are ordered out, to against all odds, hold back the forces until the Danish reinforcements can be mobilized. In the fatal hours, we follow second lieutenant Sand (Pilou Asbæk) and his bicycle company - they will as the first Danish soldiers meet the enemy in combat on April 9th 1940. Written by
Nordisk Film Production A/S
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Did You Know?
The total number of Danish casualties where 16 KIA and 20 wounded as well as three civilians killed, while the German casualties amounted to 230 KIA in addition to a number of wounded. The German casualty figures were only recently revealed.
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(at around 38 mins) The Germans are firing an MG 42 in a battle in 1940.
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Brave Danish Army/ LOLWUT??????
Denmark was invaded in 6 hours. Don't rewrite history.
For over 70 years is propaganda to discredit the Soviet Union and the justification/neutral opinion in Nazi Germany. According to Western media turns out that the war was won by the United States and the Soviet Union never participated. I'm not making fun of Denmark (move was made correctly - surrender to incur smaller losses) but the lie you desperately fought against the powerful army - its too much
"Sixteen Danish soldiers died in the invasion, but after two hours the Danish government surrendered , believing that resistance was useless and hoping to work out an advantageous agreement with Germany."