When the drifter Harry Madox reaches a small town in Texas, he gets a job as used car salesman with the dealer George Harshaw and settles down in a hotel room. During a fire, Harry observes that the local bank is left empty and open without any security. Sooner he plots a scheme to rob the bank, provoking a fire in his room to distract the employees. When Harry meets George's wife Dolly Harshaw, the easy woman teases him and they have sex. Harry becomes the prime suspect of the bank heist and is arrested, but Dolly provided the necessary alibi to release him and blackmails him to have a love affair with her. However, Harry falls in love for Gloria Harper, who works as accountant in the dealership. He discovers that Gloria is blackmailed by the despicable Frank Sutton and he decides to press Sutton. Written by
Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Film Noir Like You've Never Seen.
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Did You Know?
After Harry and Dolly come out of the pond after swimming and climb to the top of the tower Dolly is shown in an open shirt and white cotton panties. After she jumps off the tower and into the sand pile she is shown nude from the waist down.
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Harry Madox:
If you fall out of bed again the cockroaches are gonna start talkin.
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Written and Performed by Terry De Rouen
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Dennis Hopper delivers the goods in this meticulously conventional tale of a charismatic underachiever finding his level. Harkening back to the gender and class warfare sensibilities of the Forties, The Hot Spot excels across the board, in acting, dialogue, plotting, music, and cinematography.