Set in a defunct insane asylum known as 'Eloise,' four friends break into the abandoned institution in hopes of finding a death certificate, which will grant one of them the rights to a sizable inheritance. While inside the asylum, the group not only finds that Eloise houses a horrifying history but also the truth about their own tragic pasts.
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The film is shot on location in the real Eloise Insane Asylum, which used to be one of the largest mental institutions in the world. It began as one building in Westland, Michigan in 1832, before rapidly growing into a 78-building complex, complete with its own fire and police departments, train station, post office and farms. The asylum finally closed in 1982, and has since been used as many things such as a daycare center, a homeless shelter, and a business office. Many of the outlying buildings such as the bakery, firehouse, tavern, and powerhouse are in ruins beyond repair.
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