A death row inmate survives his execution and returns as a supernatural force known as the "Reaper", an unholy creature that descends upon an unsuspecting town. This mysterious community is full of drifters and criminals (Danny Trejo, Vinnie Jones) who must now band together to defeat the "Reaper" or perish into the depths of hell. Written by
Uncork'd Entertainment
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Death to the wicked
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I'll admit it... I am a sucker for good, low-budget, light B-movie horror thrillers! I don't like them too heavy, complicated, or gruesome. Just some suspense, a few twists here and there, and the required amount of kills minus the grisly bloodshed. If that's a recipe that sounds even remotely appealing, then "Reaper" is definitely for you.
The film is actually more of a character thriller than a hard-core horror film, and that is very welcome in my book. In fact, it echoes "From Dusk Til Dawn" in the sense that it starts off as a crime story and then later introduces the survival mode, monster mayhem factor.
The top-notch cast add weight to a genre always in need of convincing actors that can carry such material, and a few good, unpredictable developments toward the film's climax make it even more interesting. Overall, this "Reaper" certainly reaps a fun time at the movies.