While shooting the movie, the BBC got in trouble with local police when they detonated a large smoke bomb in order to simulate a nuclear explosion. Members of the public, who were not aware that a movie was being shot, panicked and thought that a real explosion had occurred.
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Just after the policeman delivers the secret letter to Clive Sutton, he calls his secretary and starts to read off the names of the people he wants to see in his office. The piece of paper in the close-ups is different from the one we see in the long shot.
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Public Information Film Announcer:
If anyone dies while you are kept in your fallout room, move the body to another room in the house. Label the body with name and address, and cover it as tightly as possible in polythene, paper, sheets or blankets. If, however, you've had a body in the house for more than five days *and* if it is safe to go outside, then you should bury the body for the time being in a trench or cover it with earth, and mark the spot of the burial.
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Nothing on television has disturbed me as much as THREADS, There is so much to shock the viewer in this docu-drama that it`s difficult to pick the most disturbing aspect of this nuclear holocaust scenario , but if pushed I`d say it`s the ending of the rule of law. The thought of having my throat cut for a packet of cheese and onion crisps is more frightening than the lack of medical facilities , famine , radiation sickness or mutant babies.
The reason THREADS wins over its rivals for the crown of " Nuclear Holocaust King " is its depiction of The Nuclear Winter , though it`s done rather unsuccessfully by sticking a dark filter over the camera , but at least it`s mentioned in depth unlike the awful THE DAY AFTER , and unlike TDA we`re shown the months and years after the war where the survivors have to cope without an ozone layer or a coherent language. These survivors are truly the unlucky ones. The final scene is so distressing it doesn`t need words
Of course it hasn`t happened , the cold war is over and for that the human race must be truly greatful but as a teenager in the 1980`s nuclear holocaust didn`t only seem possible - it seemed probable . And if it looked like the bomb was going to drop I`d be having a last supper involving lots of vodka and sleeping pills. A cowards way out perhaps but as THREADS shows they won`t be giving out medals after the third world war