This ensemble comedy follows the Pullham University Bluecocks, a small liberal arts college with a Division III football program (the lowest division in the NCAA). When the head coach unexpectedly dies, the future of the flailing football program is in jeopardy, as they have not had a winning season in decades. In a desperate attempt to create some media attention for the athletic program and the university, President Georgia Anne Whistler hires known lunatic and felon, Coach Rick Vice, for what could be the football programs final season. Vice, an overly aggressive redneck racist, quickly becomes the team's and athletic director's worst nightmare. Vice especially butts heads with Mitch DePrima, a reluctant quarterback who was drawn to the college thinking he would play ball as a big fish in a small pond, only to find himself riding the bench in his final year. Navigating between an insane coach, meat-head teammates, his male cheerleader roommate and the sexy new sports trainer, Mitch... Written by
Plot Summary
Plot Synopsis
Motion Picture Rating
Rated R for crude and sexual content throughout, pervasive language and some graphic nudity
Did You Know?
In the scene where Coach Vice (Andy Dick) is borrowing the cell phone, the girl he borrows it from is Andy Dick 's biological daughter in real-life.
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For being a low budget film this movie, surprisingly had several big name stars in it. Most notably Andy Dick,Will Sasso,Adam Corolla, and the always amazing Sally Kirkland. Any true fan of college sports and zany comedies will find enjoyment here. From the over the top antics of the ragtag teammates to the actual actors running the plays while filming the actual games. The movie is one of the better college comedies I have seen as of late and I highly recommend it to all. The crude head coach as written and played by Andy Dick could not have been topped by anyone else, he shines in this undertaking. I find my self still chuckling at his one liners and antics days after watching this movie. I can't wait to add this hidden gem to my DVD collection,and watch this again!