I Am Soldier follows Mickey Tomlinson (Tom Hughes), a military chef, who attempts the most dangerous military selection known to man: The Special Air Service (S.A.S.) selection. The S.A.S. Is the United Kingdom's most renowned Special Forces Regiment, tasked with life threatening missions in some of the most dangerous places on the planet. Mickey has more military experience than simply being a chef, something he doesn't let on to the other candidates... Mickey is smashed by this selection process - his mind, body and soul scream for mercy as he endures torturous speed-marches over the steepest mountains, running for his life during 'Escape and Evasion' and then facing the most evil interrogation possible, during the deadly phase known as: 'Tactical Questioning.' Even after everything, there is still only one way you can really prove yourself: in combat... Many try to get into the S.A.S. Only the elite make it. Written by
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Did You Know?
This is the second time Alex Reid has worked on a SAS project, first was "ultimate force"
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Better than a lot of other war movies out there, when everyone is diving into bullets and everyone seems invisible.
The fight looks believable, the only issue for me was the plot, that could have done with some more work.
The romance was a bit unbelievable and didn't really seem to blend in well with the plot. The leading two characters were good but seem of the other young actors probably needed some work.
I thought the final parts of the movie was a bit rushed but don't want to give too much away. Overall, worth watching and although I did find it a little slow, nice look at what its like in the sas.