A young man abandons his family for a solitary life of fly-fishing. His goal was to find his own way in the fishing world and thereby find himself and love.
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The surface of the Earth is 30% land and 70% water. A new born baby is composed of 70% water and 30% everything else. I guess this means that life and water are inseparable. A human child at birth under goes a ritual almost identical to that inflicted upon the trout at death. The fish is whacked on the head, thus putting it out of its misery. The infant is whacked on the behind, thus initiating the end to its misery.
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First: I loved the book and still do. Read Duncan's novel, please.
Second: I've lived and fished in NW Oregon (and in NE Idaho, also a location for some of the filming) and agree with those who sing praise for the beautiful cinematic qualities of much of the film.
Third: Rarely do great books become great movies. This is true here. Still, given this reality, the film is good enough to watch, enjoy, ponder, discuss and watch again.
Fourth: I commend the review by Hollywood Jesus (listed among critics above) which convinced me both to go see it last night and to encourage you to do the same ---