James Miller has only one friend in the world, his beloved Labrador Retriever, Rex. But when a strange capsule lands in the his backyard and a robot dog emerges, his life will never be the same. The robot dog identifies himself as RoboRex, and tells James that he has come from the future to stop an evil man named Professor Apocalypse from taking over the world, along with his wily robotic Destructo-Cat. Now with the help of Rex and RoboRex, James embarks on a heroic and heart warming adventure to save the future! Written by
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Saving the future has never been this much fun!
Motion Picture Rating
Rated PG for some mild action
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Filmed in Utah with downtown scenes in Salt Lake City
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Roborex is a delightful movie. It's a bit of science fiction written around the very human scale story of a son and father trying to cope with the loss of their mother and wife, who's absence from their lives forces them to work at a more understanding relationship between the two.
In the meantime, the science fiction part of the story provides an energetic and enjoyable adventure.
The saving grace in both story elements is the loyal and intelligent Rex, a dog any of us would feel blessed to have in our lives.
The script, acting, sets, special effects and production values are well executed.
Watch this! You won't be disappointed.