Father of Invention (2010) 5.8
5.8/10 from 6,839 users
Metascore: 36/100
Reviews: 26 user | 26 critic | 8 from Metacritic.com After 8 years in prison, inventor Robert Axle struggles to win over his estranged family and catch up on current technology as he works to once again become the king of the infomercial. Director:Trent Cooper |
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Do cardiologists operate without having spent a second in Medical School? Do Engineers build bridges without first knowing something about mathematics and physics? Then how the hell did this guy get away with writing and directing this dreck? Because in Hollywood these days it doesn't matter whether you know your craft just be a good friend to someone who can pull a movie together. Zanuck, Mayer, Laemmle, the brothers Warner are all rotating in their respective graves at a very high velocity.
First for a comedy the camera is way too close and many times the geography is all out of whack. It has that poorly lit video sheen. Appears to have been shot at 29.97.
The actors give it their best but the script is such a ludicrous and absurd mess they can not be saved. Plus the dialogue feels lifted right out of the world's worst film school short. There is no drama or comedy. Everything becomes one unfocused forced blob. It appears they may have shot the first draft of the script.
Direction was non existent(maybe spent way too much time at the craft service table) and I've seen monkeys edit better motion pictures, but considering the footage may not be the editor's fault.
The best thing about this was the subtitles and goofed on this film. At times realizing the picture was so awful they just placed gibberish in place of the dialogue.
A total waste of a germ of what may have been a good idea and a very, very talented cast.
It's so sad...