Set in the Summer of 1963, Flint, Michigan is home to the Watsons, a close knit "All American Family" made up of Daniel and Wilona Watson, (Harris and Rose) and their three kids, 15 year-old juvenile delinquent Byron (Knight), nerdy 11 year-old Kenny (Jenkins) and eight year-old adorable sister Joetta (Jackson). When Byron's antics go over the top, his parents realize enough is enough and they decide the family needs a dose of Grandma Sands (Richardson) no nonsense approach in Birmingham, Alabama. So the Watsons load up the 1948 Plymouth Brown Bomber outfitted with a true tone Ultra-Glide turntable and head South with plenty of comedy en route. When they finally make it to Birmingham, they meet Grandma Sands and her friend, Mr. Robert (Grier), who show them around town and the Watsons discover that life is very different there than in Flint - and not necessarily for the better. During that historic summer, the Watsons find themselves caught up in something far bigger than Byron's ... Written by
Hallmark Channel
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Motion Picture Rating
Rated PG for thematic elements, some violent images and mild language
Release Date:
20 September 2013 (USA)
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Movie is based on a book
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The mother was giving the planned trip details. She said that they would reach Tennessee by sunrise. Six hours later they would reach Cincinnati. They should reach Cincinnati before reaching Tennessee when traveling from Flint, Michigan.
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A fictional historic movie that tells the story about the Afro-Americans family. It was a television movie adapted from a novel of the same name. The movie is a purpose to learn about the history. Also describes the unity of the family and importance to fight back for the right things which was inspiring. It was not a violent movie, it was PG rated that everyone in the family can watch together on a fine occasion. It was shorter and targets nothing particularly about, but all the stuffs that happen around the family was showcased satisfactory manner.
An old man, Kenny recalls his childhood incidental story when the country was in revolution for his race. Kenny is a 11-year-old, born in a happy middle class family who live in Michigan. He got a trouble making older brother and an adorable little sister. On a summer holiday they decide to visit grandma who is in Birmingham. So the journey begins, but half way through they come to know that revolution for the civil rights movement has begun. Once they have reached, after the initial few days all the three children start to like the city. One side the revolution and the other side the family vacation. How the Watson family encountered historic event that took place was briefed with many good dialogues and tragic incidents.
''Nonviolence is the key in the fight... To break the bondage of oppression.''
A fine family story. This television movie offers lots of fun moments as well thinkable about our history. Good performance except a couple of them did not convince through their exhibition. The story was told from a kid's perspective about the events he witnessed during the holiday vacation that changed the history of entire country forever. As a kid, he grew up in a society that troubled by racism remarks. Where he visits during the holiday makes him realize the existence of two kinds of a divided society.
The story of the family might be fictitious, but the affairs happened around them were based on the real. Especially the bombing incident was very true. Anyway, a simplest movie for television audience. This movie is especially for people who are not into books. Those who are into both are always draw differences. I have not read it, but I liked this movie. Not a must see movie, but to add to the watch list and give it a shot when the proper time you think has arrived.