Sheriff Freddy Heflin (Stallone) is an ordinary officer who spends his boring life in the town where he lives. Time passes so slow in a quiet little town of “Cop Land”. This bulky sheriff does nothing other than controlling traffic and surrendering to his pinball addiction. When a misfire broke out in town, Freddy jumped into it with the help of Lt. Moe Tilden (Robert De Niro). This seems like a big leap of the career-stuck sheriff. Two thumbs of for Stallone for giving up his all muscles body, something is well-maintained for years and also his choice for accepting a role much different from h... read the rest.
Cop Land
Freddy Heflin is the sheriff of a place everyone calls “Cop Land” — a small and seemingly peaceful town populated by the big city police officers he’s long admired. Yet something ugly is taking place behind the town’s peaceful facade. And when Freddy uncovers a massive, deadly conspiracy among these local residents, he is forced to take action and make a dangerous choice between protecting his idols and upholding the law.
No One Is Above The Law.
Director: | James Mangold |
Writer: | James Mangold |
Sylvester Stallone
Harvey Keitel
Ray Liotta
Robert De Niro |
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Production Companies
Miramax Films, Across the River Productions, Woods Entertainment