Time of Eve: The Movie
In the not-too-distant future, androids have come into common usage. Rikuo Sakisaka, who has taken robots for granted for his entire life, one day discovers that Sammy, his home android, has been acting independently and coming and going on her own. He finds a strange phrase recorded in her activity log, "Are you enjoying the Time of Eve?". He, along with his friend Masakazu Masaki, traces Sammy's movements and finds an unusual cafe, "The Time of Eve". Nagi, the barista, informs them that the cafe's main rule is to not discriminate between humans and androids. Within the cafe, androids do not display their status rings, and, when patrons depart, the door is automatically locked for two minutes to prevent someone from following them to discover their true nature.
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Director: | Yasuhiro Yoshiura |
Writer: | Yasuhiro Yoshiura |
Jun Fukuyama
Rie Tanaka
Rina Satou
Kenji Nojima |
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Production Companies
Code, Directions, Studio Rikka
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