Kamikaze Girls
Momoko is an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life. Ordinary, that is, if you define ordinary as wearing elaborate lolita dresses from the Rococo period in 18th Century France. However, when punk girl and self-styled 'Yanki' Ichiko comes calling, her days as 'ordinary' are most certainly numbered...
The extraordinary adventures of a Lolita-look aficionado and a tough biker gang chick.
Director: | Tetsuya Nakashima |
Writers: | Nobara Takemoto, Tetsuya Nakashima |
Kyoko Fukada
Anna Tsuchiya
Hiroyuki Miyasako
Sadao Abe |
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Production Companies
Toho Company, Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS), Amuse Pictures, Tokyo FM Broadcasting Co., Shogakukan, Hakuhodo DY Media Partners, Hori Production, Ogura Jimusyo Co., Parco Co. Ltd.
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