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Regarding Susan Sontag Poster

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Movie Facts

Status: Released

Runtime: 101

Budget: -

Revenue: -

Language: en

Webpage: Link

Release Info

  • 2014-04-20

Plot Keywords

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Content Score: 71

6.0/10 (1 vote)


Regarding Susan Sontag is an intimate study of one of the most influential and provocative thinkers of the 20th century. Endlessly curious and gracefully outspoken throughout her career, Susan Sontag became one of the most important literary, political, and feminist icons of her generation. Nancy Kates’ in-depth documentary tracks Sontag’s seminal, life-changing moments through archival materials, accounts from friends, family, colleagues, and lovers, as well as her own words, as read by Patricia Clarkson.


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Director: Nancy Kates
Writers: ,

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