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Spartacus Poster

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Movie Facts

Status: Released

Runtime: 174

Budget: -

Revenue: -

Language: en

Webpage: -

Release Info

  • 2004-04-18

Plot Keywords

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Content Score: 93


5.3/10 (6 votes)


Sentenced to spend out the rest of his adult life laboring in the harsh deserts of Egypt, the Thracian slave Spartacus gets a new lease on life when he is purchased by the obese owner of a Roman gladiator school. Moved by the defiance of an Ethiopian warrior, Draba, Spartacus leads a slave uprising which threatens Rome's status quo. As Spartacus gains sympathy within the Roman Senate, he also makes a powerful enemy in form of Marcus Lucinius Crassus, who makes it a matter of personal honor to crush the rebellion.


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Director: Robert Dornhelm

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Goran Višnjić

Goran Višnjić
as Spartacus

Alan Bates

Alan Bates
as Antonius Agrippa

Angus Macfadyen

Angus Macfadyen
as Marcus Crassus

Rhona Mitra

Rhona Mitra
as Varinia

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