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Movie Facts

Status: Released

Runtime: 84

Budget: -

Revenue: -

Languages: -

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Release Info

  • 2015-08-29

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Content Score: 79


0.0/10 (0 votes)


Dominic Brunt’s impressive second feature after the beloved ‘Emmerdale’ actor took the genre by storm with BEFORE DAWN is a tense female revenge saga - a frightening true-life crime thriller graced by a scalpel-sharp screenplay and extraordinary performances. Two women who dream of opening their own café in a work-depressed northern town go to the wrong person for a loan in this chilling allegory of the economic brutality independent businesses face within the austerity-led banking system. Unable to meet the outrageous payment demands, the hardened duo must find it within themselves to take pitiless, bloody retribution on their malicious aggressor.


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Director: Dominic Brunt

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Joanne Mitchell

Joanne Mitchell
as Dawn

Jonathan Slinger

Jonathan Slinger
as Jeremy

Rula Lenska

Rula Lenska
as Linda

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