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Dark Moon Rising Poster

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Movie Facts

Status: Released

Runtime: 124

Budget: -

Revenue: -

Languages: -

Webpage: -

Release Info

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Content Score: 79

4.3/10 (3 votes)


A group of shape-shifting werewolves descend upon a small town in search of a girl who is re-born once every 2000 years. She holds the key to their survival and all will die who stand in their way.


A group of shape-shifting werewolves descend upon a small town in search of a girl who is re-born once every 2000 years. She holds the key to their survival and all will die who stand in their way.


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Stasi Esper

Stasi Esper
as Dawn

Eric Roberts

Eric Roberts
as Henrick


as Kaio

Billy Blanks

Billy Blanks
as Sheriff Tom

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