
Owl River Runners Poster

Movie Facts

Status: Released

Runtime: 77

Budget: -

Revenue: -

Languages: -

Webpage: -

Release Info

  • 2015-09-21

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Content Score: 14

0.0/10 (0 votes)


Jaime joyrides on the back-roads of Owl River, population: sinking. She’s going nowhere fast, both literally and figuratively. BFF Paula pressures her to apply to colleges, but her father Hal just wants to keep her out of juvie. But when ex-con Ray shakes her down for the whereabouts of a stash, Jaime learns her departed grandpa Graham’s family secret: he ran the biggest pot-ring East of Montreal. Now Jaime must recruit Paula and hapless admirer Ricky if she’s going to outmaneuver Police Chief Hines, let alone tough-guy Ray, and and lay claim to her birthright.


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