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Kirumi Poster

Movie Facts

Status: Released

Runtime: 0

Budget: -

Revenue: -

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Release Info

  • 2015-09-24

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Content Score: 100


3.8/10 (2 votes)


Kathir, a carefree young man, becomes a police informer like his neighbour Prabhakar, and begins to get too close with inspector Soundarapandian, despite the warnings of the latter. It is only when he tries to ride on an ego clash between Soundarapandian and Mathiarasu, a rival inspector, that he realizes he's become a pawn in a dangerous game.


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Director: Anucharan
Writers: ,

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A review by timesofindia

In the opening stretches of Kirumi, we see Kathir (Kathir), its protagonist, indulging in worthless conversation with his friends, getting into a tiff over it and storming off the place, hitching a ride with his neighbour Prabhakar (who is on a 'job'), flirt with an eager young girl who is alone at home (and mischievously goes into her room in a inviting manner to freshen up), and proudly tell Prabhakar's wife Gayathri that he visits his home once a week when she questions him on spending the nights at his friends' room; in short, we see him behaving every bit like the carefree, young heroes po... read the rest.


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