The Amazing Nina Simone
With musical proclamations like 'Mississippi Goddam' and an iconic style, Nina Simone was both loved and feared throughout the 1960s for her outspoken vision of Black Freedom. Today, Nina is more popular eleven years after her death than ever before. President Barack Obama listed 'Sinnerman' in his top 5 favorite songs, and whether re-mixed, re-sampled or in its pure form, Nina's music continues to empower people around the world with its unrelenting appeal for justice. With new insights into her musical journey from Classical Music and the segregated South, the worlds of Jazz and Civil Rights, through her erratic behavior and self-exile, Nina's legacy is chartered all the way to the place where she found freedom.
A documentary film
Director: | Jeff L. Lieberman |
Eric Burdon ![]()
Billy Vera |
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