A quite easy homepage for us!


Lv Xuan! The first name realy looks like a luxury brand lol. But I usually call her Lxer~.
My name is Weiyu Kong, and you can just call me Vincent.


BFSU, a pretty decent university. However, FZYZ where she used to stay must be mentioned too ><
And here is a link to BFSU homepage.
A link to BFSU
I'm a sophomore in UW Madison, but now I'm studying in the University of Jialidun.
And here is a link to UW-Madison homepage.
A link to UW-Madison

Phone wallpaper:

That's hers maybe:

And that's mine:

BTW,would you like to play a game at the end?

Vincent Rock @-@
Lx Paper ><

Lx won!!! Congrats!!!