Brian J. N. Wylie - Selected Abstracts
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Recent work
Publications from my current work at CSCS/SCSC are abstracted separately.
(Hyperlinks lead to on-line PostScript.)
Earlier work
PARAMICS - Moving Vehicles on the Connection Machine,
Gordon D. B. Cameron, Brian J. N. Wylie
& David McArthur,
in proceedings Supercomputing'94 (Washington DC, USA),
pp. 291-300,
IEEE Computer Society Press, November 1994. [ISSN: 1063-9535]
PARAMICS is a parallel microscopic traffic simulator which is, to our
knowledge, the most powerful of its type in the world. The simulator
can model around 200,000 vehicles on around 7,000 roads (taken from real
road traffic network data) at faster than `real-time' rates, making use
of a 16k-processor TMC Connection Machine CM-200 for the simulation
aspect. The project aims to make available to road network planners a
new range of tools, and demonstrates that use of high-performance
computing in real applications is possible and worthwhile, while
yielding important and interesting research results.
- 10 pages, 366kB (1150kB when uncompressed)]
PARAMICS: Parallel Microscopic Traffic Simulator,
Brian J. N. Wylie, Gordon D. B. Cameron,
Matthew D. White, Mark A. Smith & David McArthur,
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre Technical Report
EPCC-TR94-01, January 1994.
In collection Science on the Connection Machine System,
J.-M. Alimi, A. Serna & H. Scholl (eds.),
pp. 69-79, Thinking Machines Corporation (Cambridge, MA, USA), 1995.
PARAMICS is a state-of-the-art, parallel `microscopic' traffic simulator,
developed in a collaboration between EPCC and SIAS Ltd., for simulations of
traffic congestion in large-scale road networks. Individual vehicle and
driver characteristics are modelled, responding to perceived road and
junction conditions. To allow traffic planners to predict and attempt to
rectify potential congestion problems, within the trunk road network of
central Scotland at peak times, requires the real-time simulation of some
200,000 vehicles. The simulator is being implemented in the data-parallel C*
language on the CM-200 massively parallel computer at EPCC, which has the
potential to deliver the substantial computing demands required. From a
detailed description of the Scottish road network, and the traffic within it,
vehicles' movements and flow summaries can be displayed graphically,
highlighting the formation of areas of congestion and allowing the probable
causes to be identified.
- 8 pages, 335kB (1039kB when uncompressed)]
Meteorological Data Assimilation Migration to Massively Parallel Systems,
Brian J. N. Wylie & Patrick D. Surry,
Invited presentation at the Spring'93 Cray User Group Conference (Montreux, Switzerland),
March 1993, also available as a short paper.
The observation data assimilation portion of the UK Meteorological Office
unified weather forecasting and climate modelling code was studied by EPCC
with a view to parallelisation. In the first instance, the original
Fortran-77 source code (containing vector optimisations for the Cray Y-MP)
was transformed via the array-language subset of Fortran-90 to CM-Fortran for
the CM-200. Detailed profiling and analyses suggested performance benefits
were possible from conceptually simple -- yet otherwise sophisticated
-- algorithmic modifications, which were subsequently implemented.
Significantly improved performance and scalability were thereby achieved from
efficient implementation of effective massively parallel schemes.
- 6 pages, 208kB (1775kB when uncompressed)]
High Performance Fortran: A Perspective,
Brian J. N. Wylie, Michael G. Norman &
Lyndon J. Clarke,
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre Technical Note
May 1992.
Abstracted in the Serlin Report on Parallel Processing, July 1992, and
ACM SIGPLAN Fortran Forum, 11(3), September 1992.
High Performance Fortran (HPF) is an international effort, with the
enthusiastic support of a number of parallel computer vendors and other
interested parties, to define standard extensions to Fortran. It promises an
attractive abstraction, with high-performance potential, for Fortran programs
on parallel (and massively-parallel) computers, along with transparent
portability to `traditional' serial and vector computers. This report is
intended to provide background information on the HPF initiative, the
technical aspects thereof, as well as our impressions of why this activity
is progressing with such apparent enthusiasm.
The contention is that the array-parallel operations of Fortran-90, coupled
with additional directives providing information about appropriate
decompositions and distributions, can enable compilers with sophisticated
dependence analysis and knowledge of the MIMD parallelisation techniques to
produce native message-passing code for efficient and effective utilisation
of distributed-memory parallel computers. Data distribution, semaphore
and message-passing code would automatically be generated where required.
In addition to providing a perspective of the developing HPF situation in the
United States, European activities and involvement are also addressed. While
the HPF Forum meetings have been held in the US (mostly hosted by Rice
University, Texas), a major part of the definition and discussion process
has been achieved through electronic mailing lists accessible to all
interested parties. There have also been a number of workshops in Europe
to address current and potential HPF developments.
Early versions of HPF are, however, likely to have only limited application
areas, since they will have very restricted MIMD support, and neither
unstructured data objects nor sophisticated load-balancing support. Such
developments are likely in the future as continuing HPF language extensions.
A subset of Fortran-90 has been chosen as the base for HPF development,
and while Fortran-77 (also being a subset of Fortran-90) will be partially
supported, `high performance' support for Fortran-77 is unlikely due to
largely insurmountable problems with the way the language has been abused in
practice to date. There are also worries that as yet no consideration has
been made of providing HPF semantics in C.
The draft language specification is due for presentation in November, with
the official release due for early '93. Vendors have announced that they
will have compilers providing partial HPF support available Q1'93, with full
support (for the initial proposal) later in the year. It seems clear that the
considerable momentum which HPF possesses, coupled with its attractiveness
to customers of parallel computing, will make it an increasing force to be
reckoned with in the numerical and scientific computing market.
- 23 pages, 60kB (193kB when uncompressed)]
Parallelisation of the Unified Model Data Assimilation Scheme,
Kenneth A. Hawick, R. Stuart Bell, Alan Dickinson,
Patrick D. Surry & Brian J. N. Wylie,
in proceedings 5th Workshop on the Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology
(ECMWF, Reading), November 1992.
We describe the data assimilation scheme employed in the UK Meteorological
Office's Unified Model and a number of schemes for its efficient
implementation on massively parallel computer systems. A simple port to
the Connection Machine CM-200 system was carried out and for which detailed
timing and profiling figures are given. A number of alternative
implementation algorithms were investigated and are also described.
An algorithmic inversion of the vectorised implementation allowed the
processors to work on the parallel update of the influences of observation
data on all the model grid points together rather than working sequentially
through a vector of model grid points. A further improvement to the
implementation required the packing of multiple observations into vectors of
appropriate length to the number of processors. Finally, the model grid
was statically divided into latitudinal sections to allow a better balance
of processor work load.
Implementations of these schemes were carried out using High Performance
Fortran style directives and Fortran-90 array constructs on the
Connection Machine CM-200 system.
Profiling measurements were made for typical runs at both weather prediction
and climate resolutions. A number of potentially better implementation
schemes are suggested for other parallel computer systems. We report on
implementations in progress for other parallel processing programming paradigms.
High Performance Fortran Migration via CM-Fortran,
Patrick D. Surry & Brian J. N. Wylie,
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre Technical Note
EPCC-TN93-01, January 1993.
Lists the CMF features which should be used since they have the same
functionality as HPF (albeit with a slightly different syntax), along
with a list of features to avoid (or reproduce with source code) since
they will not be widely supported in initial HPF compiler releases.
- 10 pages, 31kB (94kB when uncompressed)]
TaX - Transputer Activity Tachometer: Experience with a Simple
Multicomputer Software Monitoring and Concurrent Visualization System,
Brian J. N. Wylie,
Edinburgh Concurrent Supercomputer Project Technical Note ECSP-TN-46,
August 1990.
It has generally been difficult to determine exactly which processes within a
particular distributed computation are responsible for slowing down the whole
computation through being overloaded with work. There are also typically
extremely complex inter-process interactions. One would also like to know
precisely the state of each process and how far it has progressed with its
particular task. The ``Pulsars'' demonstration program is an exception to
these restrictions, but it may be unique in that all the relevant information
is visible in the program display -- in general, this will not be possible.
When monitoring an application, it is desirable that the subject should not
be unduly perturbed by the actions of the monitor. Hardware techniques for
interference-free monitoring are an obvious solution, and several are being
developed. They do tend to be inherently expensive and inflexible,
however. Presentation and interpretation of the copious data from fine
monitors additionally remains a challenging activity.
In the absence of such a tool, the needs of the users of the transputer-based
Computing Surfaces at Edinburgh were great, such that any monitoring tool may
well prove beneficial. There were also a considerable body of skeptics who
believed that a fully-software implementation would have such a perturbing
effect to render it useless.
A simple CPU load monitor and run-time visualisation system was developed,
using the tools to hand, and from preliminary experiments, on actual
applications, it has been demonstrated that the benefits far outweigh the
drawbacks. Useful information is achievable, and can be made readily
available for every processor (and possibly process) involved in a
computation. In the absence of effective tools, education (and
experience) are invaluable when programming distributed systems, and the
dramatic real-time display of processor activity, in conjunction with the
subject application, is very powerful in this regard.
- 9 pages, 17kB (47kB when uncompressed)]
PULSARS: Dynamic Process Contention Modelling & Monitoring,
Brian J. N. Wylie,
Edinburgh Concurrent Supercomputer Project Technical Note ECSP-TN-36,
January 1990.
PULSARS is a demonstration of dynamic processes, which start executing a
task, may be halted through contention for resource allocated to other
processes (or even have to abort and restart), and which terminate on
completion of that task. The progress of each process simultaneously
executing is continually graphically displayed, and a (necessarily
incomplete) monitor of the state of execution/suspension of each process
also. This model is analogous to the problems of contention and possible
subsequent deadlocking of processes in shared-memory multicomputers.
- 10 pages, 21kB (61kB when uncompressed)]
Application of Two-Dimensional Cellular Automaton Lattice-Gas
Models to the Simulation of Hydrodynamics,
Brian J. N. Wylie,
PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh, October 1990.
Hydrodynamic equations are notoriously difficult to solve, both analytically
and computationally, therefore less complicated methods, drawing on the power
of cellular automata and lattice-gases are introduced. Their combined ability
to capture the fundamental properties of fluid dynamics in an inherently
simple manner is discussed. The FHP7 cellular automaton lattice-gas model of
Frisch, Hasslacher and Pomeau, which will form the basis for the subsequent
simulations, is described in detail, with a more general covering of the
associated models.
The scalable and flexible computational power of the transputer-based
ECS multicomputer, and how this may be applied to the lattice-gas
simulations at hand is addressed. The distributed multiprocessor
architecture provides unique challenges, such that the implementation
might achieve its potential. It is found that a straightforward
one-dimensional geometric decomposition of the lattice, in conjunction
with the loosely-synchronous nature of the distributed update, provides
a natural load-balancing, and highly scalable efficiency.
Visualisation of the development of the hydrodynamic features captured
by the simulations, such that their content may be clearly extracted is
also addressed. Many interesting transient and dynamic features, often
occuring on time-scales which make their analysis by other methods
difficult, are easily identified. Those occasionally found to be the
result of artifacts, perhaps in the initialisation of the simulation
are quickly identified, such that the simulations may be refined.
Elementary static systems and flows are designed, such that the ability of
the FHP7 lattice-gas to model incompressible hydrodynamics, and its
multicomputer implementation, are verified against the theoretically and
experimentally expected behaviour. Subsequently, more complex flow
configurations involving obstructions and jets, generally beyond the limits
of current analytic techniques are constructed, and found to qualitatively
match experimental visualisations.
No lattice-gases are currently known to accurately model compressible fluid
dynamics completely, and the ultimate cause of this limitation still
requires clarification. The behaviour of the FHP7 lattice-gas, in regimes
where compressibility effects are expected to be important, is investigated
with the aim of identifying those aspects of its microdynamics which cause
breakdown of its macrodynamics.
- 190 pages, 750kB (3394kB when uncompressed);
- GIF-format screen images in a Unix tar file, 1232kB]
Cellular Automaton Lattice-Gas Hydrodynamics on a Parallel Supercomputer,
Brian J. N. Wylie,
in Proceedings
8th Technical Meeting of the occam User Group
(Sheffield, England), pp. 205-214, IOS Publishers (Amsterdam), March 1988.
[ISBN: 90-5199-0020-4]
Computational fluid dynamics, one of the major consumers of
supercomputing resources, embraces a wide range of disciplines from the
relatively simple systems which can be solved theoretically to the
highly complex systems currently required for industrial experimentation.
Cellular automata and lattice-gas models of fluid systems, are greatly
simplified versions of real systems, yet within certain limitations they have
been shown to accurately model expected behaviour, while being inherently
Preliminary investigations of cellular automaton lattice-gas hydrodynamics,
at the University of Edinburgh on a MIMD Meiko Computing Surface (coded in
occam), have shown some of the particular aptitudes of the model.
- Last Revision: $Date: 2000/05/07 22:04:35 $