# Code to produce fancy Splus plot # Uncommented - remove lines and see what happens! # Rick Chappell, 11/28/94 # Data entry efs <- c(78,66,52,84,28,38,77,61,49,66,66,43) per <- c(56,15,29,84,8,8,68,14,18,87,6,7) day <- c(7,7,7,14,14,14,7,7,7,14,14,14) int <- c(4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5) lab <- rep(c("M1","M2","M3"),4) # Can change this to X11() or other device for viewing at terminal postscript("ps.out", horizontal=T) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) par(oma=c(0,0,6,0)) uu <- barplot(c(0,efs[day==7]), main="Day 7", names=c("",lab[day==7]), ylab="% EFS", ylim=c(0,105), width=c(90,per[day==7]), space=c(.4,.2,1.2,1.2,2,1.2,1.2)) abline(v=(uu[4]+uu[5])/2, lwd=2, lty=2) text(uu[c(3,6)], rep(107,2), cex=1.2, c("4 Drug", "5 Drug"), adj=.5) text(uu[1] + 30, 95, "EFS %:", adj=1) text(uu[-1], rep(95,6), efs[day==7], adj=.5) text(uu[1] + 30, 88, "n:", adj=1) text(uu[-1], rep(88,6), round(220*per[day==7]/95), adj=.5) uu <- barplot(c(0,efs[day==14]), main="Day 14", names=c("",lab[day==14]), ylab="% EFS", ylim=c(0,105), width=c(90,per[day==14]), space=c(.4,.2,1.2,1.2,2,1.2,1.2)) abline(v=(uu[4]+uu[5])/2, lwd=2, lty=2) text(uu[c(3,6)], rep(107,2), cex=1.2, c("4 Drug", "5 Drug"), adj=.5) text(uu[1] + 30, 95, "EFS %:", adj=1) text(uu[-1], rep(95,6), efs[day==14], adj=.5) text(uu[1] + 30, 88, "n:", adj=1) text(uu[-1], rep(88,6), round(205*per[day==14]/95), adj=.5) mtext(side=3, line=4, cex=2, outer=TRUE, text="KINETICS OF CYTOREDUCTION") mtext(side=3, line=2, cex=1.3, outer=TRUE, text="Day 7 or 14, After 4 or 5 Drug Induction") mtext(side=1, line=-2, cex=1.3, outer=TRUE, text="Bar widths proportional to sample size")