Brassica Experiment

Alan Miller, U WI Horticulture
The scientist examined the effects of rate of application of a certain herbicide (pyridate) on a range of closely related crops. The experiment was conducted over two years, with three blocks each year. The two years were conducted in roughly the same location, but there was separate randomization in each year. Three herbicide rates (pyrrat = 0, 1, 2) were randomly assigned to separate rows within each crop plot. Recorded values consist of yield per row for each crop*pyrrat combination within each block for each year. Since crop 2 was not used in the second year, it is dropped from further consideration.
Miller A (1993) `Pyridate tolerance in Brassicaceae crops', PhD Dissertation, Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Data & Setup

crop pyrrat rep inj7dat in14dat yldkga pconyld pcnblk year trt

SAS Data Analysis
two years with design change between years

Splus Data Analysis

read data

Book Figures

H: 24.1 Brassica split split plot anova

Last modified: Tue Apr 14 08:35:57 1998 by Brian Yandell