Iron Experiment

Fred Bradley, U WI Material Science & Engineering
Gray cast iron is a common commercial iron-based casting alloy. The two principal alloying elements are carbon and silicon. This problem examines the relationship between carbon level (C) and a particular melting property (resp), specifically called the ``primary austenite liquidus arrest temperature of the cooling curve''. Three levels of added carbon were used, low (1), medium (2) and high (3). However, it is not possible to set these levels exactly, for a variety of practical reasons. Instead, the scientist can measure the actual carbon afterward (Cactual). The questions for this homework concern how to relate carbon level to the response. Is it enough to just consider the 3 discrete levels (coded as Clevel=1,2,3) or is there further information about the response in the actual carbon? Use plots, models and tables of means and/or analyses of variance to present your arguments.


Clevel Cactual Resp

S-Plus Data Analysis


SAS Data Analysis

Last modified: Tue Mar 24 08:54:08 1998 by Brian Yandell (