Brassica napus Data from Osborn

Data provided by Prof. Thomas C. Osborn (, Department of Agronomy, UW-Madison. Please cite Ferreira et al. (1995) and Kole et al. (2002) when publishing analyses based on these data. [An earlier form of these data were used in Satagopan et al. (1996) and can be found here.]

Reference Citations

Data Description

Trait Data

Traits included are percent winter survival for 1992-3, 1993-4, 1994-5, 1997-8, and 1999-2000 (surv92, surv93, surv94, surv97, surv99, respectively), and days to flowering after no vernalization (flower0), 4 weeks vernalization (flower4) or 8 weeks vernalization (flower8). Percents are of plants alive in the Fall, taken from the middle of rows (totals unavailable). Days to flowering after transplant are averages over four replicates from a RCB design (values by block unavailable). First column has the trait name. The remaining columns identify individual DH line (302-455).

Marker Data

Marker genotype data for Major x Stellar double haploid (DH) population. Double haploids have the same relation of recombination to distance as backcrosses as there is just one meiosis tracked (in F1). However, DH are homozygous at every locus (usually mapped as RI0 lines). Marker genotypes are coded as M = Major, S = Stellar, - = missing. Data columns are
  1. chrom = B. napus chromosome (N1, N2, etc.)
  2. order = along chromosome
  3. cM d= istance from proximal end
  4. marker = marker name:
  5. Remaining columns are for individual DH lines (identifier 302-455).

Brian Yandell (