Stat 850 Intro to Computing
Here are some brief hints about using computers for this course.
It is strongly recommended that you learn how to use the World Wide Web,
as that is an easy way to pass information.
There is introductory documentation on both the
sas and
statistical languages at our web pages,
under Computing Facilities.
See also the
UNIX Guide.
Look under
Statistical Software Packages & Languages.
World Wide Web
The Web is a world-wide information architecture, which includes
gopher and ftp as "special cases".
Computers all over are hooked in. In order to access it, you need to
use a "browser", which is just a piece of computer software.
Our system has four browsers you can choose from:
- Mosaic
- the first web browser, developed by NCSA at U IL
- /usr/unsup/netscape/netscape
- only availabe on fisher and pearson
- /usr/psup/lynx/bin/lynx
- text browser, much like gopher
- w3 (only from within emacs)
- text browser (see
Mosaic and netscape are graphics-based browsers, while
lynx and w3 are text-based browsers.
The "address"
is a universal resource locator (URL) for the U WI Statistics Department's
"Home Page" on the web. You can find out more about these browsers and
our facilities by
"visiting" this home page, and clicking on highlighted text. It's fun!
Introductions to SAS Language
Here is a quick start for sas.
Create a directory and move to it:
% mkdir st850
% cd st850
Copy the Milliken & Johnson pulse data and SAS files from
the public data area /p/stat/Data/MJ:
% cp /p/stat/Data/MJ/pulse.dat .
% cp /p/stat/Data/MJ/ .
% cp /p/stat/Data/MJ/pulse.log yandell.log
% cp /p/stat/Data/MJ/pulse.lst yandell.lst
Notice that I changed the name so that you won't overwrite them
when you run SAS on your own:
% sas
Be sure to always check the log file!
Introductions to S (or Splus) Language
Here is a quick start for S or Splus.
Suppose you
already have the pulse data used above.
Copy the Milliken & Johnson S source and listings files from
the public data area /p/stat/Data/MJ:
% cp /p/stat/Data/MJ/pulse.s .
% cp /p/stat/Data/MJ/pulse.sink .
(If you want to print pulse.sink, first
edit out the printer() plots to save paper!)
Try to reproduce my listings in your own session. Type S
(on bayes) or Splus (on atlas) to begin:
% S
Working data will be in /u/stat/faculty/yandell/.Data
If this is your first time using S, you will be asked to create
a directory with the name ".Data". Do it. Now you can source
the S commands in the file pulse.s,
> source("pulse.s")
Then proceed through the commands in the file pulse.sink --
that is, the lines which begin with the less-than prompt (> ).
Turn on a graphics device such as x11() or X11()
before the plot:
> summary(
> names(
> anova(
> x11()
> plot(
The screen should give you a GO? prompt after the first plot,
indicating that further plots are possible by hitting the return key.
As indicated in the web
Introduction to S, you can use the postscript() command
to save plots as PostScript for later printing:
> postscript("")
> plot(
> q()
It is a good idea to preview plots with ghostview
before sending it to the printer:
% ghostview
% lpr
Last modified: Sun Jan 28 14:29:11 1996 by Brian Yandell