Statistical Genomics Syllabus


Numbers in parentheses after topic area signify chapter(s) in Liu's book. Subtopics in parentheses are not covered in the text, but are of related interest. We can discuss papers and/or books that extend coverage as needed.

This syllabus at present overlooks important statistical issues in DNA/RNA Sequence Analysis and in Molecular Evolution, in which the genome is studied at a much finer scale. This could be incorporated as a minor or major component of such a course depending on interest.

    Fall 1998 Semester

  1. Genomics: Basic Biology (1-3)
  2. Likelihood-Based Methodology (4)
  3. Single- & Two-Locus Models (5-8)
  4. Multi-Point Linkage & Linkage Maps (9-11)

    Spring 1999 Semester

  5. Complex Traits, QTLs & Polygenes (12-17)
  6. Data Resampling & Simulation (19)
  7. Pedigrees & Multiple Generations (11)

Content of Liu's Book

    Fall 1998 Semester

  1. Introduction
  2. Biology in Genomics
  3. Introduction to Genomics
  4. Statistics in Genomics
  5. Single-Locus Models
  6. Two-Locus Models: The Controlled Crosses
  7. Two-Locus Models: Natural Populations
  8. Two-Locus Models: Using Linkage Disequilibrium
  9. Linkage Grouping and Locus Ordering
  10. Multi-Locus Models
  11. Linkage Map Merging

    Spring 1999 Semester

  12. QTL Mapping: Introduction
  13. QTL Mapping: Single-Marker Analysis
  14. QTL Mapping: Interval Mapping
  15. QTL Mapping: Natural Populations
  16. QTL Mapping: Statistical Power
  17. QTL Mapping: Future Considerations

    Both Semesters

  18. Computer Tools
  19. Resampling and Simulation in Genomics

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Last modified: Tue Sep 1 12:38:25 1998 by Brian Yandell (