Related Courses in Statistical Genomics
Courses and seminars listed below are on related topics, either from a
biological, mathematical or computational perspective. I am attempting
to coordinate among instructors/organizers with the aim to have
reciprocal lectures as appropriate.
Note dates and titles of my talks in other these courses or
seminars. I expect other instructors to reciprocate, to build linkages.
Related Courses in 2005-7 at UW-Madison
- An Sci 875 (Fall 2007):
Design and Analysis of Microarray Experiments in
Agriculture. Guilherma Rosa. Practical use of statistical
methods for designing and analyzing microarray experiments,
using a simple language accessible to biologists with some
quantitative training. Some aspects related to planning of
microarray experiments in crop and livestock research will be
discussed, with emphasis on the statistical design of such
- An Sci 875 (Fall 2007):
Bayesian Methods and Applications in Genetics. Daniel Gianola
and Xiao-Lin Wu. Prereq: Stat 310 or 610; Stat 850; Gen
610/620 or Agron 811 recommended.
- Gen 629/875 (Fall 2007): Evolutionary Genetics. Bret Larget, John
Doebley Bret Payseur. There will be equal length sections of
statistical phylogenetics, population genetics, and quantitative
- Bot 563: Phylogenetic Analysis of Molecular Data.
Baum. Phylogenetic methods
covering some topics in statistical phylogenetics.
- Hort/Agron 811: Biometrical Procedures in Plant Breeding.
Natalia de Leon.
Use of statistical methods to facilitate improvements in quantitative
traits of cultivated plants. P: Intro crses in genetics & stat.
- Zoo 957; Evolution of Genetic Systems.
- BMI 576: Introduction to Bioinformatics.
3 credits. The goals of this course are to provide an understanding of the fundamental computational problems in molecular biology and a core set of widely used algorithms. This is the first of two courses on bioinformatics. The topics it will cover include: pairwise sequence alignment, multiple sequence alignment, finding genes in DNA sequences, phylogenetic tree construction, and genome mapping and sequencing. This is currently being taught as a special topics course in Computer Sciences. Prerequisites: Math 222 and Computer Sciences 367.
- BMI 776: Advanced Bioinformatics. 3 credits. The goals of this course
are to provide an understanding of the fundamental
computationalproblems in molecular biology and a core set of
widely used algorithms. This is the second of two courses on
bioinformatics. The topics it will cover include:
probabilistic methods for sequence modeling, gene expression
analysis, phylogenetic tree construction, protein structure
prediction, RNA modeling, whole-genome analysis, and
algorithms for exploiting biomedical text sources. A precursor
to this course was taught as a special topics course in
Computer Sciences in the Fall 1999 semester. Prerequisites:
Computer Sciences 576.
Related Courses in 2002-4 at UW-Madison
- CompSci 838:
Advanced Bioinformatics. MW 11-12:15? (Thomas Anantharam)
- Animal Breeding and Genetics Seminar. T 12:30, 236 AnSci (Dan
- Chaos
& Complexity Seminar. T 12:05, 4274 Chamberlin
- Monthly Microarray Group, R 12, room TBA; contact Chris Pires
- Plant
Breeding & Plant Genetics Seminar. R 12, 108 PlSci
- Computation
and Informatics in Biology and Medicine
- Zoo/Bot 957 - Evolution Seminar: Population Genetics.
MWF 2:25-3:15. J Crow, R Haygood, D Waller, T Givnish.
UW Timetable (select semester and search)
Related Courses at Other Universities
- Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology II
(EPI 219, UCSF:
Saunak Sen)
- Genetic Data
Analysis (Stat 6178, U FL: RL Wu)
- Special Topics in Genetics and Genomics (Stat 140.668, Johns
Hopkins U: Karl Broman, Rafa Irizarry, Kung-Yee Liang,
Giovanni Parmigiani, Ingo Ruczinski)
Addresses statistical issues in genetics and genomics. Consists of two four-week modules, with revolving instructors and topics. Possible topics include the following: genetic mapping in experimental organisms; genetic map construction; linkage analysis in humans; linkage disequilibrium in humans; population genetics; phylogenetic inference; topics in protein structure; microarray analysis; and proteomics.
- Statistical Genetics (Stat 246, UC Berkeley: Terry Speed)
The course will have four parts, each taking roughly one quarter of the semester.
The order of topics given below will not necessarily be that of the lectures.
Some biological background will be given in class, but in general students will
be expected to obtain this through independent reading.
- Statistical Design and Analysis of Microarray Experiments (Stat 416/516, IA St U: Dan
- Bioinformatics Seminar (Stat 598, Purdue U: Rebecca Doerge)
- Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics (Short courses, U AZ: Bruce Walsh)
- Statistical Methods in Human Genetics (Bios 781(281), UNC Chapel Hill)
- Statistical Genetics Curriculum (NCSU Statistical Genetics & Bioinformatics)
- Statistics Genetics I: Mendelian Traits (Biostat 550, U WA Seattle: Elizabeth Thompson)
Mendelian genetic traits. Population genetics; Hardy-Weinberg, allelic variation, subdivision. Likelihood inference, information and power; latent variables and EM algorithm. Pedigree relationships and gene identity. Meiosis and recombination. Linkage detection. Multipoint linkage analysis. Prerequisite: STAT 390 and STAT 394, or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with STAT 550; A.
- Statistics Genetics II: Quantitative Traits (Stat 551, U WA Seattle)
Statistical basis for describing variation in quantitative traits. Decomposition of trait variation into components representing genes, environment and gene-environment interaction. Methods of mapping and characterizing quantitative trait loci. Prerequisite: STAT/BIOST 550; STAT 423 or BIOST 515; or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with STAT 551; W.
- Statistics Genetics III: Design and Analysis (Stat 551, U WA
Seattle: Ellen Wijsman)
Overview of probability models, inheritance models,
penetrance. Association and linkage. The lod
score method. Affected sib method. Fitting
complex inheritance models. Design mapping
studies; multipoint, disequilibrium, and
fine-scale mapping. Ascertainment. Prerequisite:
STAT/BIOST 551; GENET 371; or permission of
instructor. Offered: jointly with STAT 552; Sp.
- Computational Molecular Biology (Stat 345, Stanford U: Wing Hung Wong)
- Analysis of Complex Phenotypes (short course, Jackson Labs: Gary Churchill)
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by Brian Yandell