From Mon May 15 11:00:37 2000 Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 18:48:54 -0500 From: Lyman/Margaret Crittenden To: Multiple Recipients of Subject: May, 2000 Mapping References Resent-Date: 14 May 2000 23:58:08 -0000 Resent-From: Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ; ************************************************************************* AnGenMap Discussion Mailing List | Mail distributed to 689 members ************************************************************************* JOURNAL REFS. (MAPPING METHODS AND REVIEWS) NLM 5/00 1. Bensimon, D. Fast combinatorial cartography by FISH on combed genomic DNA. Genetica. 106:93-4, 1999. ADDRESS: Laboratoire de Physique Statistique de l'ENS, CNRS, associe aux universite Paris VI, France. Medline UID: 20176049 2. Bink, M. C.; Te Pas, M. F.; Harders, F. L.Janss, L. L. A transmission/disequilibrium test approach to screen for quantitative trait loci in two selected lines of large white pigs. Genet Res. 75:115-21, 2000. 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