January 2017

why study multiple traits?

  • We may not know …
    • how to measure (quality, shape, taste)
    • when to measure (development, season, kinetics)
    • what to measure (molecular pathways)
  • We are interested in many things
    • individuals expensive
    • multiple measurements cheap (high throughput)
  • causal relationships among traits
    • pleiotropy vs close linkage
    • indirect effect of QTL via other trait
    • untangle genetic & environment correlation

multiple traits and GxE

  • same phenotype in multiple environments
    • does genetic response depend on environment?
    • comparing 2 (or more) environments
    • trends across a cline or gradient
  • multiple phenotypes
    • does one trait affect others (directly)?
    • leveraging similar biological function
    • correlation and causalty models

what affects outcomes?

  • Time
    • development, growth, aging, senescence
    • physiology, reaction to stimuli
    • evolution, selection
  • Space
    • geography, altitude, longitude, height, gravity
    • soil structure, plant density
    • seed & pollen (plant part) dispersal
  • Stress
    • physiology, nutrients, light, heat, water
    • weeds, herbivores, pollinators
    • disease, pests, parasites, harvesting

goals with multiple traits

  • use multiple phenotypes to improve QTL detection
  • do traits share QTL (pleiotropy)?
  • causal relationships among traits?
  • effects of QTL across time

gravitopic response: root tip

root tip

  • Arabidopsis thaliana Ler x Cvi
    • 92 NIL; 2525 seedlings
    • 162 RILs; 2132 (RIL1) or 2325 (RIL2) seedlings
  • genotypes: 102 (NIL) or 234 (RILs) markers on 5 chr

  • root tip angles every 2 min

Moore, Johnson, Kwak, Livny, Broman, Spalding (2013)

gravitropic response over time

Interactive scan over time

Moore, Johnson, Kwak, Livny, Broman, Spalding (2013)



  • \(y_1\) & \(y_2\) are pleiotropic
    • both depend on \(q_1\)
    • cor(\(y_1,y_2|q_1\)) = 0
  • \(y_2\) & \(y_3\) are pleiotropic
    • both depend on \(q_2\)
    • cor(\(y_2,y_3|q_2\)) = 0
  • \(y_1\) & \(y_3\) have linked QTLs
    • cor(\(q_1,q_2\)) via linkage
    • cor(\(y_1,y_3\)) indirect

close linkage?

close linkage

basic multiple trait model

one trait: \[ y = q \beta + e, \qquad e \sim \text{N}(0, \sigma^2) \]

\[ \text{LOD} = (n/2) \log_{10} ( \text{RSS}_0 / \text{RSS}_1 ) \]

multiple traits:

\[ Y = Q \boldsymbol{\beta} + E, \qquad E \sim \text{MVN}(0, \Sigma) \]

\[ \text{LOD} = (n/2) \log_{10} ( {|\hat{\Sigma}_0|} / { |\hat{\Sigma}_1|}) \]


  • consider two traits and one chromosome
  • assume each affected by a single QTL
  • 1-D scan for single QTL assumed to affect both
  • 2-D scan over chromosome
    • separate axes for each trait
    • or profile each trait across other trait
  • significance?
    • parametric bootstrap using fitted single-QTL model
    • stratified (within QTL genotype) permutation test

pleiotropy in flowering time

pleiotropy in flowering time

pleiotropy flower

  • allow 2 QTL per trait
  • is 1 enough?
  • or are there 2 QTL?

pleiotropy in flowering time

profile LOD of each trait with respect to the other

causal models

  • All … phenomena are linked together, and the problem … is how close is the degree of association. Karl Pearson (1911)
  • direct influence of one condition on another … [through] all connecting paths of influence … among the variables in a system with … causal relations. Sewall Wright (1921)
  • Causality is not mystical or metaphysical. It can be understood in terms of simple processes … in a friendly mathematical language, ready for computer analysis. Judea Pearl (2000)

causal relations

close linkage

  • \(q_j\) = genotype (QTL)
  • \(r_k\) = RNA expression
  • \(y\) = physiology

QTLs: \(r_j = \mu_{qj} + e_j\)
linkage: \(\texttt{cor}(q_1,q_2)\)
causal: \(y = r_2 + e_2\)
reactive: \(r_4 = a + by + e_4\)

\[\texttt{pr}(Q,R,Y)= \texttt{pr}(q_1,q_2) \texttt{pr}(y_1|q_1) \texttt{pr}(r_2|q_2) \texttt{pr}(r_3|q_2) \texttt{pr}(y|r_2) \texttt{pr}(r_4|y)\]

Nfatc2 impact on LOD

Nfatc2 causal archicture

is gene mRNA causal (red) or reactive (blue) to other mRNA?

nfat causal architecture