These are notes for Seattle SISG talks in the "Advanced QTL" module. This module is co-taught by me (Yandell) and Zhao-Bang Zeng. We have ten sessions, with demos incorporated into the session in our lecture room. I have 3 lectures and 2 demos. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion. bsysisg.pdf all the PDFs in one big file A bsyoverview.pdf overview: multiple QTL approaches B bsytutorqtl.pdf R/qtl software demo rqtltour.R C bsybayes.pdf Bayesian QTL mapping & model selection D bsytutorqtlbim.pdf R/qtlbim software demo rqtlbimtour.R E bsydata.pdf data examples in detail Other files named *.R are R code associated with the talks.