Monday unit person slides title 1 ZBZ 1 multiple interval mapping (MIM) 2 ZBZ 24 score statistic to aid MIM model selection A BSY 1-38 overview: multiple QTL approaches (bsyoverview.pdf) B BSY 39-57 R/qtl software demo (bsytutor.pdf, rqtltour.R) Tuesday C BSY 78-122 Bayesian QTL mapping & model selection (bsybayes.pdf) D BSY 58-77 R/qtlbim software demo (bsytutor.pdf, rqtlbimtour.R) 123-164 data examples in detail (bsydata.pdf) 3 ZBZ 36 Multiple trait analysis 4 ZBZ 57 Gene expression QTL analysis Wednesday E BSY 165-- expression QTL (eQTL) Tools and causal networking (bsyeqtl.pdf, bsynet.pdf) X JZ xxx QTL Mapping for Complex Traits Yandell talks A-E are combined in 2010_SISG_16_BSY.pdf Separate PDFs by subject are in the PDFs folder.