description: 3-D neural net attractor viewer purpose: pretty pictures the executable is called neuromain.exe. You may also need glut32.dll (in that directory) in your winnt/system directory. It requires OpenGL, so it might not work right away with Win95 or Win98, but will work with NT. Brief instructions (commands are case sensitive. All commands are issued from the graphics window--the console window is for display only): if you press X after it starts, you get the funky basket. 'a' will toggle animation (rotation). Here are what the keys really do: 'a' : toggle animation 'S' : seed random number generator 'p' : find new periodic solution 'x' : find new chaotic solution 'X' : create new network (without caring about chaos) 'N' : double the number of neurons 'n' : halve the number of neurons (min: 4) '+' : turn up s, the scaling parameter (make more chaotic) '-' : turn down s (make less chaotic) 'L' : plot more points--slower but prettier (default: 10,000) 'l' : plot fewer points 'r' : refresh display (the following require num_lock to be on-for 3D viewing) '8' rotate up '2' rotate down '4' rotate left '6' rotate right 7, 9, 1, 3 (oblique rotations). Fun things to try: press 'N', doubling size of network. turn on animation with 'a' then press + or -, to see the system become more chaotic. [for the others (nerdy details): this is a spinoff of my thesis project. Since neural networks can exhibit chaos, they have neat looking 'attractors' you can plot. These are generally fractals. This program creates a fully connected, recurrent neural net with N neurons and N connections between them, and forces it to create a time series. The plot you will see has the X, Y, and Z dimensions taken from neurons 1, and 3, and the colors R G and B taken from neurons 4, 5, and 6. So essentially it is a 6 dimensional plot. Follow the instructions and have fun with it]