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. Single-Nucleotide Human Disease Mutation Inactivates a Blood-Regenerative GATA2 Enhancer.. Journal of Clinical Investigation., 2019.

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. GATA/Heme Multi-omics Reveals a Trace Metal-Dependent Cellular Differentiation Mechanism.. In Developmental cell 46.5 (2018): 581-594., 2018.

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. TreeHiC: Hierarchical Testing for Differential Chromatin Interactions.. 2018.

Code Project

. Perm-seq: mapping protein-DNA interactions in segmental duplication and highly repetitive regions of genomes with prior-enhanced read mapping.. In PLOS Computational Biology., 2015.

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. Approximate Bayesian Computation algorithms for estimating network model parameters.. In Joint Statistical Meeting Proceedings (2013)- Biometrics Section. 2013:2239-2253., 2013.