Hugh (Yin) Liu

Last updated: Oct 2024.

I'm a software engineer at Google. I'm broadly interested in advanced algorithms, computational complextity (especially in counting problems), machine learning, augmented reality and advanced modeling and simulation.

I support slow science.

Prior to joining Google, I received my Ph.D. in Computer Sciences from University of Wisconsin-Madison, where I was in the Theory Group and fortunate to be advised by Professor Jin-Yi Cai. Before joining UW-Madison, I received my B.Eng. in Automation from Department of Automation at Tsinghua University. During my graduate studies, I interned at Google and SiriusXM, working on various projects. During my undergraduate studies, I interned at Cornell University, where I was luckily advised by Professor John E. Hopcroft and Dr. Gao Huang.





(* - alphabetical authorship)

           Yin Liu (single author). COCOON 2024.

           Yin Liu, Austen Z. Fan and Jin-Yi Cai. COCOA 2023.

           Invited to Special Issue.

           Journal version in Theoretical Computer Science, 2025.

           Jin-Yi Cai, Austen Z. Fan and Yin Liu. FCT 2021.

           Invited to Special Issue.

           Journal version in Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2023.

           Yin Liu, Junyi Wei, Zijun Ma, Hanying Jiang and Yihan Zhang. MMLS 2019.

            Jiahui Huang, Jun Gao, Vignesh Ganapathi-Subramanian, Hao Su, Yin Liu, Chengcheng Tang and Leonidas Guibas. CVM 2019.

           Wenxun Zheng, Yin Liu, Zhen Chen and Junwei Cao. ANCS 2017.

Academic Services

  Conference reviewer: WINE'24, AAAI'25.

Scholarship & Honors
